Thursday, April 19, 2007


Well, it isn't exactly hidden. One of the joys of traveling about the country doing events as a published author, is the sometimes surprising places and resources one encounters. As a part of National Library Week, I went with my colleagues known as the Minnesota Crime Wave to Charles City, Iowa.

The Friends invited us to make a presentation which we were delighted to do. And there in the library we discovered an incredible resource, a gallery of prints, drawings and paintings by some of the world's great artists, including Klimpt, Duerrer, Picasso, Rembrandt, Chagall to name just a few. All nicely mounted and displayed in a well-protected gallery.

It seems that a local photographer, one Andrew Moody, who was active in the early Twentieth Century, was something of a world traveler and collector of fine art. He donated his collection of over 100 prints and paintings to the Charles City public library, and there they are, on permanent display along with a comprehensive collection of texts and art books. A truly exciting and excellent resource for the community and passersby like myself.

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