By William Kent Krueger
Published by Atria Books, 2023
Mr. Krueger is well known and celebrated in the reading communities for his Cork O’Connor mystery series, and for THIS TENDER LAND and ORDINARY GRACE. This long novel is another penetrating look into the lives of a group of small Minnesota town residents. The town of Jewel, apparently a county seat, is home to a fascinating and varied group of residents, including war veterans, foreign-born and other citizens, as well as firmly implanted Americans. The novel explores how events, history and memory influence our every-day lives.
When a prominent if not beloved wealthy farmer and land-owner is found dead on the river bank that flows near town, the circumstance of his death roil the waters of the river and the many rivers of memory and life that are found in the minds and souls of a range of characters.
The cast of this novels is large and wide-ranging from a Dakota veteran marine married to a Japanese woman, to fourteen-year old boys to a town drunk, an unmarried mother with a fraught past, to ordinary passersby. All are burdened in some way, large and small, with rivers of memory that have the constant ability to affect our actions. While the unraveling of the questions regarding the citizen’s death and discovery in the Alabaster River and the many associated events of that summer propel the narrative, it is the gentle speculation regarding the personal rivers we readers will remember that generate the adhesive of this fine novel that helps carry us to the final surprising and satisfying conclusions.
As always, the author’s attention to detail, to character and setting, to careful weaving of the net of plot, to rational thoughtful connections, will draw in readers and secure our interest to the very end.