Friday, February 21, 2025


 Kudos to Mary Coady and the MinnesotaStrib for publishing what she wrote in Friday's 2/21 paper. She addressed a word in our language which is too often underused. "LIE" is the word. People, including politicians, lie, sometimes, you know. We all know that. Often the subject of a reporter's question mis-hears, misses an important phrase, or simply doesn't know. And sometimes when manufacturing an answer, the subject simply lies. But its too often reported as something else; "mis-information," or  "alternate facts." We try to teach our children to tell the truth. Never to lie! But we allow adults, particularly those in positions to be reported in the media to lie constantly, covered up by euphemisms. It needs to stop. Well, the lying ought to stop, of course. But lets label lying for what it is. Lying.

What do you think, readers?You can respond here, you know, or you can email me.

Thursday, February 20, 2025


 As King Trump and his Prince, Musk, continue to wield mace and broadsword against the federal structure, here' s something to consider. A young couple, both employed by the Federal government until last week are leaving the rural state where they had a home and careers. They'll move to Europe where relatives will help them establish new citizenship.

The rural community and the state where they spent their incomes and paid their taxes will lose those taxes and that income spent for schools, for groceries, for all the other things people in rural communities buy. Many businesses in town will suffer income losses. And whatever jobs the two adults performed for our government may be lost. Now multiply the number of terminated employees by the taxes and purchases from the retail markets. The effect on our economy by the loss of millions of federal employees has not been calculated, but it is not insignificant. There is more effect to our life than has been posed by the in-artful swing of axe and sword.

Sunday, February 16, 2025


Congratulations to the AIR FORCE  Tech Sgt who sang our national anthem at the opening for the Dayton 500 Race, today, 2/16/25. It was a rare offering. I am so tired of the personal interpretations so many "singers" make in public performances. They butcher  the original melodic line and the intent of the notes, by adding their own flawed interpretation. He sang it as it was written and intended. Good!

Friday, February 14, 2025


 No longer able to attend concerts, I often enjoy the Orchestra concert via television. Fortunately, the Orchestra's television production staff is careful in its use of camera closeups. Friday evening, Concert-mistress Suzy Parks, clad in a loudly contrasting red wig and scarlet gown, offered up an incredible performance of G. Ortiz violin concerto.  If you can find a repeat broadcast, by all means possible, do sit down and listen to the stunning world class virtuoso presentation. The pieces is rambunctious, melodic, assertive, difficult and ultimately enormously satisfying. I'd even suggest the piece and performance was, by any definition, award-winning. In its conception the concerto is a  thorough lesson in the history of Mexico, from the earliest indigenous ruler through Spanish and now drug cartel rulers. At the same time, the beauty and complexity of the indigenous peoples, like the Mayan and prehistoric peoples, is called out in numerous subtle and complex ways. This performance of  an incredible concerto was simply mesmerizing.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025


If Mr. Musk and President Trump really want to do something positive for the American people, they'll muzzle the harassing insurance companies calling us constantly. Do Not Call program is useless. In one 8-hour period recently I receive 149 phones calls telling me my automobile and my home were out of warranty and about to fail. In more than 40 years of driving I have had one (1)auto failure while on the road. My house is in fine shape, well-insured and not failing. Ridiculous. Mr. Musk! Do something useful for a change. Muzzle the insurance companies calling us with false warnings!

Saturday, February 08, 2025


 Been watching TV and reading about the years and years of activity and problems at our southern border. It is apparent from all the news and documentaries I've absorbed that many if not most people in Central and even some South American nations are unhappy. Economically unfortunate and too often living in dangerous circumstances. So I wonder, if, instead of spending money and resources on ridiculous and easily penetrated walls along our border with Mexico, perhaps, maybe , we should invest that effort in assertive efforts to improve the lives and governance of the people who live in Central American nations. A better life circumstance would, I suggest, substantially reduce the number of people trying to migrate north into the United States. Logical? What do you think?

Thursday, February 06, 2025


Well, it's early in 2025, and it's early in the news Trump administration. Most of you who read this blog know I used to be an educational or now labeled public television producer.  TV has been around a long time. There are a lot of experienced people in the field. There is also  good deal of research on how to use television effectively. Neither presidential candidate, in my not so humble opinion, used TV very effectively in the last campaign.

One example of my point here. (patience, its coming) A Senator in Minnesota makes it a practice, every year, to DO at least one appearance in every county in the state. Not a big, flag waving rally. She goes to a town or city and sits down with residents, looks them in the eyes and asks them what they need and want from Congress. Does she deliver on every need or request? Of course not.

But residents (voters) go away with a certain level of satisfaction that they are voting for a real person who 'sees' them. Yes, big rallies are fun, noisy and energizing but when it comes down to problems and solutions isn't it nice to know your candidate listened personally to you or your neighbor?

There's another thing. One on one through the TV camera can be Very Personal. Think about it. How does it feel when the candidate looks directly into the camera lens and says softly but firmly, "I'm running for this office because I want to help you have a better life."

Monday, January 20, 2025


Monday, January 20. It's an important day in America. Yes, it is the day of inauguration of our 47th president. It is also a day to honor the memory of one of the great humanists of our age. This is a national holiday to honor the memory of the Reverend Martin Luther King. He distinguished himself as one of the greatest  advocates of equal human recognition and rights for all of us. Take a moment to remember him, an advocate for ALL human equality, as we recognize the inauguration of President Donald Trump..

Sunday, January 19, 2025


 It never got to zero degrees in my backyard today. Now I'm sitting at my computer in my workroom in front of a nice warm fireplace ablaze with well-dried oak. Yeah. No snow to speak of so if this low temp continues , thawing next Spring will be long and tedious. My current read is a novel from an Aussie named Benjamin Stevenson. I'm only a third of the way into this so haven't formed in-depth opinion yet. Good read so far. Karin Slaughter liked it. Title? Sure: EVERYONE IN MY FAMILY HAS KILLED SOMEONE. Intrigued? Yes, I am. So far so good. Stay tuned.

Friday, January 10, 2025


 Tonight on Almanac (channel 2) four former legislators went toe to toe over the legislature's political power fight. Two dems and two Repubs argued about what power the sec. of State might have over calling a flawed legislature with at least one empty seat, to order. The only former elected legislator attempting to offer rational ideas as  Karla Bigham. She said, more than once the legislature ought to forget about arguing over who get the Speaker's gavel in the House and just get to work on the mating issues--what they were elected for!  What a novel and unusual idea! Do the work you were hired for! Our political parties across the nation and here in Minnesota are focused on POWER. They should be working on solving national and state problems. It is the weakness and corruption of the American political parties that is the root of all our ills! Bring back the North Dakota model of EFFECTIVE POLITICS,  THE NON-PARTISAN LEAGUE.

Monday, January 06, 2025


 A little more than a year ago I purchased my first cell phone. Yes, I also have a home phone (used to be known as a land line). My home phone number is out there on my web site, has been for years, ever since I had NW Bell hook me up. They showed up less than two hours after I called to schedule service. But that was a holiday, so the tech apologized for the delay.

So I bought a cell two years ago so I could carry it as I get older. I supplied the number to a carefully drawn list of about 20 people, mostly family and a few important work associates. None of them ever call my android cell. But others do. I keep track, sometimes. Two weeks ago, between 8AM and 8PM on a single day my cell phone received 149 (!) calls. 

To be clear, I didn't answer any of them. The recorded message assures the caller I'll return the call if they leave a name and number. They don't. The calls come from all over the world. Based on my known number, I expect them to be scams; calls about the adventures of my non-existent nephew, or brother, or aunt. Or they are advertiser calls about my expiring warranties on everything including my false teeth.

My point? When your mobile phone is in your possession, you are accessible: in your home, your office or factory floor, the hospital and your doctor's office. Yes, there are laws about privacy. Ever know anybody who broke a law? 

Personally, I don't care if government or individuals can trace my movements by connecting  to my GPS or my cell. My point is that privacy except in specific treated locations, is gone. That horse has left the barn. Know that and live your life accordingly.

Sunday, January 05, 2025


 After years of mistakes, missteps and slugfests, Golden Globes nailed it! Nikki Glaser is outstanding as the host. Should (will) be an outstanding show!